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Infants (6 weeks- 12 months)


At Little Bear's Adventure Center, our infant program is designed to meet the individual needs of our smallest little bears. Our dedicated staff collaborates directly with the parents to create a personalized schedule for their child. With lots of love and attention, the infants have a cozy environment to grow and develop. 


Waddlers (13 months-24 months)


Between the ages of 1 and 2, children are at an important stage of development. They are learning to walk and eager to explore everything around them. Our waddler program provides a fun and enriching environment for this age group to explore through sensory play, simple movement activities, story time and creative art projects. 


Toddlers (2-3 years)


The terrific two's! The toddlers are eager to learn and be self-sufficient. Our staff is committed to supporting independence by teaching children to dress themselves, use the bathroom, and eat on their own. The toddler program provides a developmentally appropriate curriculum that supports learning. This includes a daily circle time, movement activities, and hands-on art projects. We also introduce the concept of centers and small group activities, as well as pretend play.


Preschool (3-5 years)


Our preschool curriculum supports the CT Early Learning and Development Standards (CTELDS) and focuses on kindergarten readiness. Our elaborate learning centers give children the opportunity to establish and expand their fine and gross motor skills, math ability, and creativity. The daily program includes both child and teacher initiated learning, sensory play, movement activities, and a whole lot of fun.







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